World Cup (Part 1)

##“But the hour cometh, and now is” - John 4:23 March Madness is like Christmas come early. I get goose bumps with the build up of the conference tournaments. March is a special month. The 65-team single elimination format is one of the most exciting things in sports. However, I side with the rest of the world when it comes to the World Cup… one of the most fantastic and celebrated events in sports....

From the "Blowing Your Mind" Category

Check this out! This guy is simply a freak of nature. That is some serious force perspective stuff! Along the same lines the French artist Felice Varini (more here) does some incredible things as well. I think a lot of his stuff could be accomplished with a laser leveler, but it is still quite remarkable. It reminds me of an exhibit Ann and I saw at the Modern Art Museum here in DC where the guy constructed incredible things with colored fluorescent tubes and he would take advantage of corners and angles of the room....

An Inconvenient Truth

I believe Ebert’s quote sums it up nicely. In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to. On multiple levels, it is incredibly well done. Fundamentally, the movie is about an elaborate Powerpoint presentation. But it works....


So I stumbled upon Quicksilver today. The documentation is fairly poor, but it’s a launcher for OSX. The fundamental idea is that you press a hotkey combination and start typing the name of the program as soon as it finds a match, you press enter and it runs. I was skeptical, but people rave about it. So I thought… OK is there a windows equivalent?Well there is a great open source equivalent – Launchy....

Lewis Black!

Ann and I saw him in concert at the Warner Theater last night, where he was taping for an HBO special. Just the right about of indignation, rage, equal-opportunity offender for an absolutely fantastic night of comedy =) I think the HBO special is coming out in June (I don’t recall the exact date). The tour is called “Red, White & Screwed.”" He’s actually appearing at Oakland’s Paramount Theater on May 6th… I’d definitely check it out if you have a chance....

CS Basics and the Future of Game Development

Anyone who took an advanced Computer Science class must have had an assignment like this. However, what I really wish is that my professors had explained the assignment better or used something like this as an example. I found the description of his experience really interesting and his experience seemed more enlightening than my equivalent CS assignment. Which brings me to my main point. When game development budgets begin to approach that of movie budgets, are we heading in the right direction?...

Official Desktop Retirement

I believe I have officially retired my desktop. My trusty (and severely abused) desktop put together in 1998 1999 (thanks Jeff) has served faithfully. However its 500 MHz processor and slow hard drives finally did it in. Right now I do most of my computing on my laptop, for the simple fact it really is much faster. I tried installing Linux (Kubuntu) on it, but my motherboard (Abit BE6) has a “exotic” UDMA controller by Highpoint, that doesn’t seem to work well....

Cartoon Nostalgia

Courtesy of, enjoy a trip down memory lane (one that kept me busy for hours). The links below are the intro videos for the cartoon shows… I swear, the 80’s and 90’s had some kickass cartoons! This is a kick ass site too! It has more than just cartoons… definitely worth it if you have a few hours to kill. And the great 80’s music themes are priceless! Ducktales Darkwing Duck Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers The Legend of Zelda Tale Spin Animaniacs Gargoyles Batman : The Animated Series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Thundercats He-Man and the Masters of the Universe G....

Upcoming Releases

A nice laundry list of all the games I’m looking forward to in (hopefully) the near future. Unfortunately, almost none listed have concrete dates. Oh well. Quest For Glory II (AGD Interactive) AGD is a group of independent developers remaking some of the old Sierra games that never got true VGA releases. Their two previous releases (Kings Quest I and II) were really incredibly well done. I had never played KQII, and also have never played QFGII because it was the old EGA graphics and “type” what you wanted to do rather than point and click....


I swear, wow’d twice in a span of an hour! Check out this. Knoppix is a Live CD distribution of Linux. Basically, that means that the OS boots off of the CD rom and directly into memory, never touching your hard drive. In my opinion it has been the biggest reason for Linux adoption, because it allows users to test out without modifying their system. Accelerated Knoppix is a modification by a Japanese developer to make the boot process as fast as possible....