the legacy of dos

Let me just say that developing cross-platform software is one of the more royal pains out there. Java, built from the ground up with cross-platform in mind does a better job than most to maintain a level of abstraction for the developer. However, a universal sticking point is what character the directory separator is. Unix, the Web, and the rest of the sane world use ‘/’ to separate directories. This makes sense, since in most modern (hell, nearly all) programming languages, the ‘' is used as a prefix to an escape character....

March 22, 2007


Anyone who isn’t a full fledged computer nut (or someone who does this for a living… I at least fit both categories) can move on to some of my other posts below (World Cup Part 3 for example). However, if you aren’t phased, please continue. Why has no one done a one to one port of the extensive Java libraries to C++? I know there is Boost which is basically an advanced extension to the C++ standard library, but wouldn’t you think it would be worth while to have a 1 to 1 port where you didn’t need to think about different syntax, the function and behavior was the same (or as close as you can get in C++ while still concerning yourself with memory management)....

June 30, 2006

Eclipse is Awesome!

If you write code, and you haven’t tried Eclipse, you haven’t experienced a truly great IDE. I’m currently trying to set it up to do my Web development, Java Development, and if I can figure out how to get a compiler to work, C++ development (that will be last, since I don’t have any @home C++ work to be doing… I get enough of that at work). (I’m going to update this post as the IDE setup continues....

June 20, 2005