flat earth journalism

stanford dish, originally uploaded by griphiam. A transcription of a speech given by Nick Davies, looking at what has happened to journalism in the last decade (give or take a few orders of magnitude). Its really fascinating, and a highly recommended read. Its clear there is a need to come up with something different than the status quo for news… I’ve resorted to listening to the BBC via XM on the way to work which does a good job of covering all the international stuff you never hear about and is really good about tackling serious issues in more than one or two sentence sound bites....

dream theater - forsaken

After not releasing a music video in almost a decade, with Dream Theater moving to Road Runner records, they ’ve released three for the new album Systematic Chaos (Dark Eternal Night, Constant Motion). Their latest is their most radio friendly, and a great song to boot =) The music video is incredibly unconventional and a great twist from what you’d expect given the lyrics (vampires)… Its a love story with some fantastical twists!...

why no dogs?

no dogs allowed, originally uploaded by griphiam. Damn it! Why is everyone so against pets in the housing and rental markets (especially the latter). Yes, I know, I know… If you were a landlord you wouldn’t exactly want pets around because the might damage something or be a sound annoyance… but damn it! There has to be people out there who make apartment buildings or condos that are pet friendly....

Serenity's Pilot in the Sky

My first ever music video production… Threshold’s Pilot in the Sky of Dreams set to clips from Serenity. Shiny! Creation Thoughts First of all, this is a 10 minute song. It would be insanely difficult to cut together clips of short length (>1 sec to 4 secs) – It would take forever. So I used longer length clips and as best as I could tried to tell a story against the lyrics....

coit tower

circle @ coit tower, originally uploaded by griphiam. Trying to take advantage of a spectacular day (Saturday) we decided to leave our confines (Palo Alto) and head north (San Francisco). While it was a great day, it was incredibly hazy which intruded on some quality photography time. All my shots of the Gate were overblown (no thanks to the fact that there is a high green hedge around the Coit Tower circle that acts as a black sink for the camera’s meter)....

sub-prime problems

A good explanation of the mess we are in now… I’m still hoping there will be enough adjustment in California to allow us to enter the housing market in a years time

lacuna coil - our truth

Their songs are hit and miss for me. I prefer the bombastic stylings of Within Temptation or Nightwish, but Lacuna Coil has such a unique sound and I really like this song. There is a fresh metal meets goth meets middle-eastern sound here and a chorus that is quite catchy.

social networking

A few older posts and links to clean out… I was assuming Jeff was going to comment on some of these. Recently, facebook did something I’d never thought they would do: They joined Google and a collection of other social network providers in participating in Data Portability (yes, I know, joining and actually doing something are two completely different things). Wired ran a piece back in August about opening up social networks....

a few things

Currently a television kick… If you haven’t seen the first two Terminator episodes… go now! I’m so sad the writer’s strike is on! I want a full season damn it! Summer Glau is awesome and steels the entire show! She really is amazingly well cast for this role. I think they have the flexibility to develop some really great plots… I finished watching all of Farscape. Spectacular show if you can get by some of the initial hokiness....

a tout le monde

Thanks to some Guitar Hero time over the holidays, I’ve found some good songs from Megadeth that I really like. The obvious ones being Symphony of Destruction and Hanger 18, but I discovered that they re-released their controversial song A Tout Le Monde, remixed and added vocals from the singer of Lacuna Coil, Christina Scabbia. The original is a great song, but I actually like the re-release better. Definitely give it a listen!...