More and more impressed with Gentoo

KDE ended up taking 30 hours to compile. Which I guess on a 600MHz laptop isn’t that bad. Modern systems should be much better. But the more and more I’ve played with it, the better it is. The Portage system is the way to install software. It is slower, because often you have to compile the software on your machine (but this is better anyway, because then its specifically tailored to your architecture and optomizations)....

HBO's Deadwood

If you have access to HBO, I highly recommend “Deadwood.” I’ve been very impressed with HBO’s original programming (I not ashamed to say I really enjoyed the last season of Sex and the City). There are some really interesting characters, and HBO’s ability to go no-holds-barred into a script because they don’t have to worry about sensors really comes through (though Ann does object to the extensive use of “cocksucker”… no idea how authentic that is) =)

Finished Compiling Kernel

Well the Gentoo 2.6.3 kernel finished compiling sometime around midday. I’m now installing xfree, and then onto kde. I’m told this is the longest part (20 hours of compilation time?) I can see why its more convenient to have someone else compile it (ie the package system, RPM, DEB, etc). But I always ran into trouble… either I couldn’t install the package because of invalid dependancies, or the package wasn’t available for my distribution....

And I guess I should say...

Yes, Duke lost to UCONN on Saturday… it was a tough loss, because it is definitely a game we could have (and should have) won. It will take a while to get over. The guts and desire shown by Chris Duhon this season and been nothing short of incredible. I will definitely miss him, and I hope he does well at the next level. Here’s to next season… first official day of practice about 190 days away....

Well, you asked for it

So Jeff was making fun of my Blog… cause it hadn’t been updated since the beginning of February. Well… fine… here’s a new one =) I decided to try Linux again. Though this time on my laptop (rather than desktop). The point being I really think having linux experience helps at work, because the entire system is Unix (Solaris to be exact). But I never liked any of the commercial distributions… SuSE is looking better and better, but there are draw backs to it as well because it is similar to Mandrake and Red Had (in draw backs at least)....

Computer Software Installation

This list is more for me, but I thought I’d put it out there so people could comment on it… maybe add some of your own. This is a list of all the software I install upon a fresh reformat of my computer. I’ll try to add links later. Software to Install: Drivers (Display, Video, Printer, Keyboard) Microsoft Service Packs & Patches Grisoft Anti-Virus Quicktime Divx Winamp MySQL (plus control center, java connector) PHP Tomcat Apache Eclipse (plus plugins: PHP, Lomboz) Dreamweaver Quicken Webshots Trillian OpenOffice burnatonce Cyberlink PowerDVD Paint Shop Pro iMatch RegCleaner Tweak UI Statbar TortoiseCVS Java SDK Winzip Adobe Acrobat SmartFTP Adaware PDF Creator DVarchive VirtualDub mldonkey VideoLan

Snags along the way...

So CVS hasn’t been working like it should. And I’m still trying to get settled into a development environment. When I was running Windows 2000, I had everything set up and everything was familiar (ie not stressful). Well, since iTunes torched that, and I made the leap over to Linux, I just haven’t had the chance to set up something comfortable where I can get web development work done. I got Eclipse up and running, but I can’t get CVS to work properly with it, so its just frustrating....

My first SourceForge Project

The web project I did for the Marching Band… we’ll I’m turning that into an open source project. =) I know everyone is going “Huh? And why is this a big deal?” Well it is =) In case your interested, you can head on over to and check it out. I’ve CVSed the initial repository. Any volunteers? Oh well =)

@%$# Spammers...

Nothing like a few assholes to ruin a good thing. So, I have been increasingly in the past month been getting spam IM’s. Fucking morons asking if I want to see their web cam, or see some old chicks get down and nasty. You know what? At least I can filter email spam! There isn’t anything yet to filter IM’s (at least with the software I’m using). Yesterday got so bad I got 10 such IM’s while I was at work....

An odd thought...

I just came to a rather random conclusion. The reason why Linux will eventually win in the end over Microsoft, is that Linux has a cool mascot. Tux the penguin is just so much cooler than “Clippy” the paperclip. There’s just no contest. This deep thought has been brought to you by the letters F, G, L and the number 7.