
What a fantastic movie! Just got around to watching it. In my opinion, much better than ‘Goodfellas,’ which is a feat unto itself. We also saw ‘Stranger Than Fiction’ last weekend. Will Ferrel should do more movies like this. He really is a great actor that could branch out if he wanted to. Anyway, let me conclude this short post with a nice picture from the Cherry Blossom festival.

harry potter v7

The bestselling series will finally have its conclusion this July (21st specifically). While the series has its detractors, which are probably louder and more numerous only on account of its popularity, I think you must admit it has been a satisfying series. Rowling has done a great job evolving the story from something simplistic enough for a child to something tacking real serious issues like racism, bigotry, and the evolution from adolescent to adult without painting a rosy picture....

Cherry Blossom Festival

This weekend saw the annual explosion of white and pink around the Tidal Basin and National Mall – blooming of the Cherry Blossoms. We when down on Friday evening, which was a good plan because it avoided most of the tourists that flock to the city for this weekend. I would say it was mostly locals roaming the mall. It actually a pleasant evening, so it was nice to get around without having to be bundled up....

Testing out upgraded Gallery

So I took the plunge. Couldn’t help my self. Things look good so far. I’ll keep you posted. I really like the keyword based galleries. I’ll now have to update all the images. The crappy part is that I’ve already categorized all my images in iMatch… I wish I could just export that. Update – Yay! I got things working. Now clicking on the image brings up a lightbox version of the image (looks actually quite nice)....

what's out now

First off, for anyone who listens to Foo Fighters, I’m hooked on their song ‘Best of You’. How does this relate to the rest of their music? I’ve probably heard their songs on XM, but nothing really stands out. ‘Best of You’ is a great song – I’m curious if I should pick up an album. And ironically, I also really like Nelly Furtado’s ‘Say it Right’… its not a great song but the melody is definitely catchy....

little cleanup

I did a little clean up on the wpg2 plugin so now all the links go to my gallery rather than an embedded page (much better now) as well as clean up a little security issue =) FYI, Gallery 2.2.1 was just released, however I haven’t upgraded yet. Things are settled now (even though there are quite a few features I would like to use now), I think I’ll let the release simmer for a before taking the plunge....

long-term storage

How much data do you generate per year? I am not including things that you download (music, movies, applications, etc). I’m referring to things you produce yourself… This could be pictures, movies, documents – anything that if you lost it, it would be gone forever. Almost a year ago I got an Infrant ReadyNAS NV, and plugged in some drives to create a 800GB Raid 5 network attached storage. Right now I’m up to 9% (around 81 GB)....

definition of ineptitude -- ATI

I’ve have struggled through driver hell trying to get Beryl to work with my graphics card an ATI Mobility 9600, only to be rebuffed, defeated, and vowing never to buy an ATI product as long as I live. If I had a desktop, I would have been on Newegg ordering a replacement weeks ago, but unfortunately, constrained with laptop hardware (where ATI has the dominant marketshare), I am left cursing ATI’s dismal driver support (and I hear from Jeff it’s even a problem with their Window’s drivers, which is even more unbelievable)....


So I went on Sunday – Ann decided that it wasn’t a movie she wanted to see (graphic decapitations are not quite her cup of tea =) This was not a traditional movie. It did not have the feel of conventional story. Its hard to describe (I failed to convey it Ann, so I’m not high on my chances of explaining it here). It felt like a Homer-like story (something like the Odyssey) – a story told around the campfire in ancient times....


The trailer is finally out (there was a very crude Russian version floating around the web) and it looks great! Just check out the cast! – Robert De Niro, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Evertt, Ian McKellen, Peter O’Toole… I mean… WOW! It’s apparently based on a novel by Neil Gaiman, though I’ve never heard of either. It looks like a wonderful fantasy in the vein of Alice in Wonderland crossed with a Grimm fairy tale and cured with a good pirate story....