Spider Man 3 - curse of the too

The pun here is definitely multi-layered. This movie suffered from many, many things. Too much action, not enough plot/story/characters. Too over the top. Too much cheese. Too simplistic. Too many villains. Too fast. Too much quick-editing (which is quickly becoming a personal peeve of mine). Even at its core, it was following Spider-Man 2, in my opinion one of the best comic book sequels (and actually one of the best sequels period) ever done....

ultimate wiffle ball

This is some serious stuff! It always hurt my arm to throw a wiffle ball (or even a tennis ball) that hard, but the action and movement is incredible! Given the size of their bats, I’m surprised they hit any of those pitches. I’m still not totally clear on the rules (how does base running work?), but it still looks fun!

Mayan Riveria (part 2)

Let me clarify a few things first – Mexico has species of speed bumps. In addition the domestic species we have in the US, one large long bump with varying degrees of altitude, Mexico has the dastardly two-rows-of-7in-metal-half-spheres. Additionally, monster traditional ones much taller than our domestic breeds. The catch is that they put these not on roads where the speed limit is say 20mph and they want you to slow down for a stop sign or a cross walk....

knee-jerk reactions always encroach on free speech

This post was originally going to be in reference to this revelation that a student had been kicked out of school for creating a Counter Strike map closely resembling his school. This was all in the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, when self-possessed individuals were trying to (yet again) blame video games. Thankfully this time around there wasn’t nearly as much traction as there was with the tragedy at Columbine....

Hail to the King

Check out these commercials for Old Spice. Bruce Campbell is the man (both literally and figuratively).

NOVA -- The Elegant Universe

You have to love public television. PBS has made the complete Nova production Elegant Universe available online. If you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend it. The TV production is a bit overly dramatic, but incredibly well done nonetheless. Greene is a great writer and is able to breakdown incredibly abstract subjects like string and quantum theories so they are digestible by everyone. The television production is three hours, so you might want to break it up rather than all three in one sitting....

proprietary markup

This past week has seen an explosion of new… um… let call it web 3.0 toolkits for lack of a better term. AJAX replacements basically. In addition to Adobe and Microsoft’s early contenders (Apollo and Silverlight respectively), Sun announced JavaFX as a third contender. Sun’s announcement comes on the heels of their initial follow through to open source the Java VM with the SDK coming soon. My understanding of these frameworks is very limited, other than Apollo is based on Flash, Silverlight on C# and JavaFX on… well… Java....

Traveler thoughts

So we saw the pilot to ABC’s new show Traveler. I’m going to hold off coming to a firm conclusion yet because I don’t know what the format of the actual episodes will be, but here are a few things that come to mind. It seems a little too contrived – too many people have to purposefully make bad decisions to establish the plot rather than it being a flow of natural conclusions, which I think is important at least when establishing the basic premise of your show....

busy as hell

I have no idea what it is about this week, but both Ann and I are swamped, which has disrupted my normal schedule (also the time decompression time in the evenings has been devoted to watch NBA playoffs). In any case, I’ll try to get a few posts out soon, including part two of Riveria Maya. We’re heading up to Philly this weekend to visit my cousin and see Sam – one among a large list of “things we should have done the past four years while we were here in DC but never did so now we have to cram everything into the last month....

more summer movies

I thought I needed to get this review out soon before I missed all the release dates. Some of these I’ve already covered but I stumbled across this “complete” list, and I thought I’d take a gander. Spider Man 3 Bottom Line – this movie now holds the record for gross sales in the first weekend. Not a bad start. Unfortunately the reviews have been slightly mixed even from the hard-core Spidy fandom....