so true

From a user interface design standpoint, check out this article… I really wish he had incorporated actual user interface follies, but the conclusions he draws from each point are spot on.

shuttle assembly

A fantastic collection of pictures assembling the NASA Shuttle. The scale is impressive!

check out this performance

I don’t know how old this is, but it’s quite impressive.

not exactly in the spirit of easter...

But funny nonetheless…

ultimate line rider

If you haven’t seen any of these, hop over to youtube and search on “line rider.” Its a cool program, and there are ones like the one below that are just unbelievable! Line Rider 'Transcendental'

why isn't this bigger news?

Pretty damning if you ask me… The economy is taking a downturn because of “uncertainty on if the tax cuts will expire”? Everyone should be taking him to task on this.

makes you want to believe

His best one yet… Simply amazing speech.


This is fucking awesome picture! (Click for larger version)

my turn to fly

Thanks to, I caught Titan A.E. which I hadn’t seen since I saw it in the theater (hard to believe that was only 8 years ago… seems like SO long ago). Anyway, I had forgotten what an awesome soundtrack it had. Here’s It’s My Turn to Fly by The Urge One of those great “Danger Zone”-esque songs. Incredibly cheesy, but gets you incredibly pumped when you hear it. There weren’t any good youtube videos of it (quality wise) so I’m using imeem, which while it has its faults, at least has higher quality audio....

review of Jericho

I don’t know how I first heard about Jericho. It definitely was not through normal advertising channels (which says quite about CBS’s anemic promotion). I think it was a combination of io9 coverage with netfix recommendations. In any regard, I’m so glad I discovered the show and now I have a chance to support it before CBS tries to cancel it for a second time. I discovered Firefly too late (a year or so after Fox canceled it… actually same with Family Guy)....