Want to make a quick detour to see if I can use a new mapping project on this site: OpenFreeMap

It’s really an impressive project. Essentially static tiles hosted and served directly from a filesystem with no need for a tile server. They found host with really cheap bandwidth, so fingers crossed they stick around for a while. It’s amazing that map technology has come has far as it has (I have not so fond memories of trying to get Esri’s ArcGIS software to behave).

some notes for my future self

To help craft a map while writing a post

// In the Dev Console

// For Quick Access
JSON.stringify(Object.entries(map.getCenter()).map(([k, v]) => v))

There are now .ewDiv and .wDiv classes for breaking out of the central column1.

The MapLibre GL project handles the javascript side and has a full featured API. I don’t think the stack can do routing, so that’s a limitation.


  1. In the next blog rewrite, consider a grid layout for the main content area. This makes it easier to have a main central column, but allow break outs to the edges (inspired from ghost.org) ↩︎