So I have been blogging (very irregulary) since 2003. If I remember correctly, I dabbled with Movable Type’s platform before eventually settling on Wordpress. When I recently transitioned to using Pelican as a static blogging engine, I didn’t bother to import posts from my wordpress installation (for one thing, the Pelican import tool only operates on a wordpress XML export and I just had a database backup).

Over the holidays, I decided to make an attempt at converting all that content to markdown. It’s been a challenge, but I was able to pull over most of it.

First, I needed a quick script to pull posts from wp_posts in a wordpress database. I came up with the following:

import MySQLdb as sql
import MySQLdb.converters as converters
import os
import traceback

def connect():
    cnx = sql.connect(host='', user='root', passwd='root', db='blog')
    return cnx

def write_post(row):
        year = row['post_date'].year

        if not os.path.exists('content/%s' % year):
            os.makedirs('content/%s' % year)

        with open('content/%s/' % (year, row['ID'], row['post_name'].replace('-', '_')), 'wb') as fp:
            fp.write('Title: %s
' % row['post_title'])
            fp.write('Date: %s
' % row['post_date'])
            fp.write('Tags: imported
            fp.write('Slug: %s
' % row['post_name'].replace('-', '_'))
    except Exception, e:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cnx = connect()

    with cnx:
        cursor = cnx.cursor(sql.cursors.SSDictCursor)

            select ID, post_date, post_title, post_name, post_content from wp_posts where post_status = 'publish';

        rows = cursor.fetchmany(size=10)

        while len(rows) > 0:
            for row in rows:

            rows = cursor.fetchmany(size=10)

There was more post processing that I should have done in this script (removing some legacy html tags, join with the tags table to populate that field). I came up with a few regex patterns and used Atom to do a search and replace within the content path and I ended up just going through all 300+ posts and re-tagged and re-catorgorized them.

Below are the biggest takeaways from this process:

  • There was a very clear demarkation line when Firefox finally included a spell checker in the browser (either that or wordpress finally included one, I can’t remember). It was really, really bad – My previous self obviously made no attempt to proof read this shit even though I know I’m a horrible speller. For crying out loud, it’s finally not finially
  • I used a bunch of gallery plugins which inline converted a tag (<wpgid>32</wpgid> for example) into an inline image. Well that doesn’t really help once that plugin is gone. If you want anything to last, statically host your own images or link to images on services you control yourself (flickr for example)
  • It’s amazing how few links pre-2010 are still resolvable. At the end of this I’m planning on making a donation to the Internet Archive – it’s a much needed service for preserving this sort of thing. Down the road I want do develop a plugin that goes and checks old links and if it’s dead replace it with a link to the Internet Archive. In fact, I wonder if there is a browser plugin to do that for you.
  • There was a lot of quite embarrassing stuff that my older self was thinking at the time. I really hope I’ve grown wiser with age.
  • Remember imeem or grooveshark? So many services fallen by the wayside. If you run a blog and you want your posts to last from a historical perspective, you need to host everything. Minimize any reliance on third party services. At some point, even youtube links won’t work. I realize this is unrealistic so the best you can probably do is a) not link or embed third party sources or b) choose a few select providers (e.g. soundcloud => audio, youtube => video, flickr => images) so that it’s easier to transition away in bulk if it is ever needed.