While it is actually quite mild here along the central coast, Detroit was completely another matter – substantial snowfall in the middle of April. While it was actually quite nice looking out the windows during the wedding to see the snow coming down, I’m sure it wasn’t something Allen and Christine had banked upon. On Sunday we were planning on walking around the town of Birmingham (which, under much better weather would have been quite nice). Instead, we had to shack up in a Caribou Coffee with Paul and Emily. On a side note, there was also the little issue of it being Easter Sunday, so it would have just been walking – other than the coffee shop, there was literally nothing open. It just seems like winter has moved back a few months, given what a warm January we had. Washington is supposed to warm up by the end of this week, and I was expecting California to be quite a bit warmer too. It will be interesting to see in a few years if this is an abnormal year, or the start of a trend.