Anime Summer 2022 First Impressions

First Impressions of the Anime Summer 2022 Season

August 7, 2022

Styling for Fun & Profit

hidden Something to keep in mind is almost all my recent experience is using a “modern” UI framework (React is my go-to hammer in my tool belt). Your framework of choice (or lack thereof) will probably have an influence on your decision-making process. My one piece of advice is that it’s likely not a good idea to use a styling paradigm that is at odds with your framework. Start with what your framework makes easy and explore from there....

June 18, 2022

Anime Spring 2022 First Impressions

First Impressions of the Anime Spring 2022 Season

April 13, 2022

Terminal Innovations: Warp

hidden Some quick thoughts after playing around with Warp - a new terminal emulator for Mac (Windows and Linux reportedly coming later). It’s great to see some innovation coming to a tool I use daily. My current terminal emulator iTerm2 has served me very well for more than a decade. I tried a few of the JS/CSS-based emulators that came out a few years ago, but they weren’t offering anything that I needed and introduced a whole new set of downsides....

April 6, 2022